Fashion Icons

While personal style is individuality, trendiness or fashion is not exactly individuality. Being fashionable of course requires personal style, but not if you just want to update yourself with the current trends. Being fashionable is not a compulsion but you really don’t want to roam the streets in the 21st century in 19th-century clothing. Being fashionable or trendy is not at all difficult. It just needs a bit of time and dedication and these easy ways will show you the path. Soon, you’ll be ready to go!

1.   Follow Trends

To become trendy, of course, you need to follow the current trends in the market. Follow fashion blogs or look through Pinterest to see what’s trending. Gather the basic idea of how trends work and go with it. Talk to people who are fashionable as that might help you too. Fashion is a way of life and you need to dive into it.

2. Revamp your wardrobe

Now that you know the trends and have a basic idea of what you want to do, it is time to act on it. Look through your existing wardrobe to weigh its pros and cons. You may have an emotional attachment to your loose, old clothes, but they are not going to help if you really want to be trendy per se. Sever the strings and dispose of clothes you no longer wear. This will also clear space for your new additions.

3. Change your hairstyle

Hair is one of the most underrated parts of your look. Look up the current trends on hairstyles. But before changing your hairstyle, make sure that whatever you pick must complement the shape of your face. You can navigate to Hairstylery to check out a wide variety of hairstyles depending upon your hair texture and shape of the face.

4. Layers

Layers are amazing. Simply amazing. Layers can be your saviour when you are in a crisis. The more layers you have, the less likely is one piece of clothing going to make or break your outfit. And layers are never out of fashion. If used properly they can accentuate your body. Use tops, skirts/pants, jackets, coats, belts and form a juxtaposition of various pieces of clothing. But do make sure that all the pieces complement each other; otherwise, it’ll just be a fashion disaster.

5. Wear the wrong shoes

Gone are the days when there would be specific shoes with specific clothes. You are no longer under any compulsion to wear stilettos with dresses and sneakers with shorts. Don’t coordinate. Don’t match. Wear contrasting colours and make your shoes have an identity of their own. The more wrong it feels, the more out of place it feels, the trendier it is.

6. Change your accessories

As with shoes, you can also play around with your accessories. Wear loud accessories with muted clothes and wear muted accessories with loud clothes. Move away from traditional materials and go for grunge accessories. Choose bags and belts which will contrast with your look. Try brooches as they are currently one of the most popular trends.

7. Play around with makeup

Search up what the current makeup trends are and try them out. Smoky eyes, glittery eyes, extravagant nail art- all of these are hugely popular. Read fashion magazines and blogs or browse through Pinterest for different ideas. Moving away from the old red shades of lipsticks, try out funky new shades.

8. Choose a colour theme

Playing around with trends can be fun but you do need stability. There should be order within the chaos. To establish that, choose a colour that works for you and then play around centering on that theme. This will also provide you with a direction for further upgradation to your wardrobe and lifestyle and will prevent you from being too confused about your choices.

9. Stay up-to-date with current social trends

Just looking fashionable won’t help. If you really want to be ‘in’ with the crowd, you need to know what the crowd is up to. That includes staying up-to-date with music, movies, shows, and people. But don’t lose sight of yourself. Know enough of the trends to hold a conversation but also preserve your individuality. Individuality goes a long way towards popularity.

10. Find out a trend you are really interested in and keep at it

Trends come and trends go. That is its nature. But if you are really into a particular trend, take it and run with it. Trends may go, but the after effects remain. And if after a while, you start feeling old-fashioned again, repeat these steps.

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